Na buannachdan a tha an cois còta cù peata


Ged nach eil an leabaidh pheata seo cho math ri kennels eile, tha seopeata is really of good quality and suitable for my dog! It is about 19 cm off the ground, and the moisture-proof effect is very good. The breathable mesh structure of the bed is very strong. Even a big fat dog is not afraid of falling asleep! The fabric of the whole bed is very thick and tightly woven. My dog has gnawed on it a few times and found that he can't chew on it at all, so he has completely lost interest in gnawing it.

Tha an leabaidh gu lèir furasta a chuir a-steach, aotrom agus làidir, agus faodar a h-uile pàirt den aodach a thoirt air falbh agus a nighe gu furasta. Tha e furasta a stòradh agus chan eil e a’ gabhail àite sam bith idir. Às deidh don aodach a bhith fosgailte don ghrèin, chan eil fàileadh sam bith ann, rud a tha gu math misneachail

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